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Selectmen Minutes05/10/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Wednesday – May 10, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas called the meeting to order at 5:45pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson was taking minutes
6:00 – Thomas Sullivan – to discuss some flowers in the cemetery across the street from the Town Office.  Mr. Sullivan did not show for his appointment.

On – going matters:
WW Hook ups –
Motion by Chairman Dumas to remove Norman Nickerson’s property, further identified as V3-Lot 1,  from hooking into the waste water system.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier.  Discussion noted that the board mentioned that the Nickerson’s clearly understand, if in the future they want to connect to the system, or if any future property owner wants to connect, the property will suffer a significant hooking up penalty.  If in the future a hookup is requested, the penalty would be to offset costs that current users are paying.
Voted:  Kullgren, Yes; Rainier, Yes; Dumas, Yes.  Affirmative Vote
Motion by Chairman Dumas to include the Stephenson Memorial Library (V3-Lot 22), the Old Town Office (V3-Lot 31) and the GM Realty Trust property (V3-Lot 21) to be lots eligible for hooking into the waste water system.  Seconded by Selectman Kullgren.  There was a brief discussion if the town had budgeted for this.
        Voted:  Kullgren, Yes; Rainier, Yes; Dumas, Yes.  Affirmative Vote
Discussion regarding if the $50.00 check for both V3-Lot 3 & V3-Lot 4 should be deposited.  The house on V3-Lot 3 has been demolished discussion of the necessessity of keeping the hookup followed.  Selectman Rainier shared an e-mail from Keith Pratt of Underwood Engineers.  Selectman Rainier explained how and why this could become a concern in the future, if this property does not use the stub.  
Decision: A letter will be mailed to Mr. Delay & Norm Makechnie asking for them to attend the May 25th meeting.  They will be tentatively scheduled for 5:45 pm.  
Church Lease – Selectmen will review the DRAFT lease and make notes while at home.  This will be discussed at a later date.  An informational night, allowing residents to discuss their comments & concerns will be scheduled in the early fall.  This meeting will be hosted by the Selectmen, the Church will be invited.

Wage & Benefits – Selectmen need to review the committees recommendations, after reviewing the recommendations, they will discuss what to do as a board.  
Decision:  Administrative Assistant is to block out 20 minutes on the May 25th   meeting to allow Selectmen to discuss this.  The 20 minutes will be towards the end of the meeting.
Parks & Rec. – To remain on the agenda
Recycle Center & Committee – To remain on the agenda
Code Violation – Code Officer, Peter Hopkins presented some photos of a septic system in town that is in violation.  This matter will continue to move forward, a letter of failure will be sent to the owner of the property.
Cupola – Selectman Rainier reported that he looked at the cupola with Dario Carrara and David Nallett from Melanson.  Mr. Nallett will put together a price for the metal work that is needed.   Discussion followed.
Decision: Selectmen request the Administrative Assistant obtain the referrences for Target  New England.
Other Business:
Review Budget Report Y.T.D.
Trails Association – The Trails Association would like to build some trails off Savage Road; the trails would be on Town property (R5-18).  The Association asked the Administrative Assistant to discuss this with Selectmen.  The Trails Association would like the Selectmen’s approval before they begin.
Decision:  Selectmen would like to see a visual of where exactly the trails will be.  John Hopkins can present this at the Dept. Head meeting, as he will be there to represent Oak Park Committee.
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R checks & A/P invoices were approved
·       Minutes – Selectmen’s Non-public sessions held on 4/29/06 were accepted as written
·       Minutes – 5/4/06 Selectmen’s Meeting minutes accepted as written
·       Light Duty Policy – Selectmen will review the options and let the Administrative Assistant know which policy they will vote to accept, meaning to either adopt a policy which includes non-work related injuries or not.  Selectmen will review the policy and discuss this at a later work session.
·       Appointment – Selectmen signed an appointment for Myron Steere to sit as a Planning Board Alternate
·       The treasurer will need to transfer funds before we can mail the LGC Health Insurance check & ConVal payment.  This transfer is anticipated to be done Monday.
·       Abatement – Barbara C. Harris Camp & Conference Center per settlement. The abatement is for the years 2001, 2004, 2005 for a total of $479,703.57 + interest.  They have not paid any taxes, therefore there is no actual refund needed.
·       Standard Dredge & Fill Application – The standard dredge & fill application is for property located adjacent to Mark & Rhonda Cilley.  It is a relocation of culvert necessary for the upgrade of the road, Selectmen need to approve the application since it is in the towns right of way.
·       Letter to Attorney Makechnie – Selectmen would like to schedule a meeting to discuss the water easement presented from Mr. Richard Delay.  Attorney Makechnie represents Mr. Delay.  The Board would like Mr. Delay & Attorney Makechnie to attend the May 25th Selectmen’s Meeting.
·       Single Audit contract – FY 2005-2006 contract
·       Timber Cut extension – William Brooks, approved
·       Employment status change sheet – Angelo Mirabella, return wages to part-time rate
·       Reviewed miscellaneous mail folder –
Tax Collector Matters – Forbearance agreement with Leo Brooks has remained in compliance, however Sheldon Carbee has not complied with his, there is no record of payment since 2004.  The tax collector will be mailing out letters initiating liens.  
Decision: Selectmen will discuss this, as well as waste water hookup with Mr. Carbee at the May 25th Selectmen’s Meeting.  Mr. Carbee had requested to be on the agenda for 6:00 pm.
Staff Meeting – Selectmen would like all key staff reminded of the importance of these meetings.  They will all be reminded this is a mandatory meeting.  
Personnel Policies - Selectmen would like a DRAFT copy of updated personnel policies to review the changes before accepting them.
Police Chief, Brian Giammarino
·       Giammarino reported the police staff is doing well.  They are geared up for the summer.
·       State Park grant was approved for 2006 year.
·       Just under 500 car stops for this year.
·       Criminal cases down with only 27
·       9 Motor Vehicle accidents have been reported

Code Officer, Peter Hopkins
·       Permanent yard sale – Selectmen discussed the permanent yard sale on Forest Road going out of town, towards Lyndeborough.  Hopkins stated he has spoken to him and explained this is a violation of our zoning.  Hopkins will follow-up asking this resident to discontinue this yard sale.
Local Co-operative Fire Chief breakfast – Selectman Rainier reported he attended this breakfast, representing the Town.  Also representing the Town of Greenfield was Fire Chief Loren White and Deputy Chief, Jim Plourde.  Briefly discussing the breakfast Rainier reported a group formed of local Fire Chief’s in the region.  Various departments have equipment that is needed to be replaced, rather than sell the equipment.  The group would like to establish a cooperative type of usage of this equipment with local communities.  All communities would pitch in on the maintenance.  Rindge had 2 incidents where people went through the ice this winter, they are currently in the process of purchasing an airboat, this is an example of equipment that could be used in a cooperative manner.
Meeting House – Selectmen would like a breakdown of the expense & revenues for the Meeting House for the last five years.
Recycle Center – With regards to the recent concern of air conditioners being stripped, Selectman Rainier spoke to the DPW Supervisor about these air conditioners on Monday.  Road Agent, Fox indicated to Selectman Rainier that the air conditioners were not segregated.  They were in the metal pile; Fox assumed the freeon had been removed, since they were in the metal pile.  Fox further stated that there is a piece of equipment that will be used as a pump he would like to obtain.  This pump will be off the sidewalk vehicle; it was the intention of Fox to use the funds from the aluminum towards this pump.  Rainier discussed other items at the recycle center, such as they are not able to burn brush pile because pressure treated lumber and painted wood was in the burn pile.  The Selectmen asked that copies of these minutes be provided to the Recycle Supervisor, the DPW Supervisor and the Recycle Committee. They should be prepared to discuss this at the Staff Meeting.
Verizon - Thank you to Verizon for their prompt attention to the site plan violation will be mailed next week.
Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church – Selectmen again discussed briefly about their thoughts regarding the church lease.   They do plan to go forward with the lease; they would like to review the lease page by page among each other.  They would like to ask about questions or concerns they have.  Discussion followed that based on information what concerns do they have.  The Board is in agreement there is a need for the Selectboard to not be rushed and to develop efficient mechanisms to discuss this matter. Selectman Dumas stated, they would like the town people to discuss their concerns in an open forum and Selectmen would like to discuss their concerns.  Selectman Kullgren stated he is unsure what the warrant article actually meant.  Selectman Kullgren believes there are two issues – one is the separation of Church & State and the other is the ability of open access.  Selectman Dumas proposed that the Selectmen keep copies of lease and continue to work on it, do their own research independently and share it with each other at meetings.  
With no further business the selectmen adjourned the meeting at 7:37. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, May 18th at 5:45 pm; this meeting will be for the purpose of a Key Staff Meeting only, there will be no appointments scheduled.